Osteopathic Principles

The best way to understand the principles of Osteopathy is to study the words of the founder, Andrew Taylor Still DO (1828-1917)

Natural Law
"An Osteopath is taught that Nature is to be trusted to the end." - A.T. Still, Autobiography

Rule of the Artery
"In the year 1874 I proclaimed that a disturbed artery marked the beginning to an hour and a minute when disease began to sow its seeds of destruction in the human body."  - A.T. Still, Autobiography

Find the Cause
"I want it understood that I look upon the treating of effects as being as unwarranted as it would be for the fireman of a city to fight the smoke and pay no attention to the cause that produces it."  - A.T. Still, Research and Practice

"We say disease when we should say effect; for disease is the effect of a change in the parts of the physical body. Disease in an abnormal is just as natural as is health when all the parts are in place" - A.T. Still, Research and Practice

Osteopathic Philosophy of diagnosis and treatment
Osteopathic Health care treatment in Brantford Ontario